From its very beginning, CMRW has worked year round, not just during election season. Our members have been  informed on current issues, worked to recruit more women into our ranks, organized precincts, assisted with registration drives, staffed polling centers, volunteered for campaigns, and ran for office themselves as candidates. For seventy years we have held monthly meetings to keep our members engaged and to provide a forum for Republican candidates and elected officials. Throughout our history we have actively engaged in fundraising, ensuring that CMRW has always been financially independent – the perennially solvent arm of the Republican Party.

CMRW members have been elected to offices in the State and National Women’s Federations, they have been elected to positions within the Republican Party at the local, district, state and national level, and they have been elected to public office (with members serving in City, County, State government, and one member serving 9 terms in the United States Congress).

As we enter our seventy first year, we invite you to join us in upholding the proud traditions established and preserved by generations of strong, conservative, Republican Women. Help us carry the fight to save our Republic into the next seventy years.

Become a member today!

Our Team

Zeenath Abplanalp


It is my pleasure to serve on the board of CMRW. My husband Kevin and I have lived in Charlotte since moving here from New Jersey more than a decade ago (Northerners by circumstance – Southerners by choice!). 

I am the cofounder of Future Prep Educational Services, a company dedicated to providing quality educational programs and services to help students in North Carolina achieve theirlong-term educational goals. I have been active in the NC GOP since 2012, volunteering my time to assist various campaigns and organizations. 

I strongly believe that one individual can make a difference, and that collectively we can all work together in order to form a more perfect union. I look forward to a successful 2024 and beyond.

Eleanor Frost


Eleanor Frost was born in Massachusetts and has been active with the GOP since high school.

Eleanor attended Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island, where she earned a BA in History and minored in Business and Dance/Performance. Eager to leave New England, she then moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where her family is active in Republican politics.

Eleanor and her husband moved from St. Louis to Charlotte in 2019. Eleanor is excited to be a part of Charlotte Mecklenburg Republican Women and looks forward to contributing to its continued success.

Linda Jones


My husband, Larry, and I have lived in Charlotte for 28 years having moved here from Houston, Texas. I have two children, Brad, who is married to Sarah and lives in Alexandria, Virginia and my daughter, Angie who is married to Kevin and lives in New York City. Brad has two little girls. ages 6 and 8 and a little boy who is 2 1/2. Angie has one little girl, age 4. These little ones are the loves of my life!

We have an adorable, rescue Jack Russell Terrier named Missy. Through the years I have worked as a volunteer at church, my kids schools and in the community.

I am a life long Republican and first became involved with the party as a volunteer in 2000 when I worked as an office volunteer a few times for our great Congresswoman, Sue Myrick. Since then, I have worked on numerous campaigns as a volunteer, held numerous fund raisers at my home and also have worked many, many hours for the Mecklenburg GOP and especially the Charlotte – Mecklenburg Republican Women, having served in many capacities on the boards of each through the years. I have voted in every primary and election since I was first able to vote – and, always Republican!

Kimberly Herrick


Kimberly Herrick practices law in the areas of estate administration and guardianships, estate planning, taxation, juvenile defense and criminal record expunctions. She attended North Carolina Central University School of Law and Georgetown Law Center, and is a member of the North Carolina Board of Law Examiners. Ms. Herrick is also a Certified Public Accountant for North Carolina.

Suzy Garvey


Susan Garvey became a volunteer Guardian ad Litem for abused and neglected children in 1981. She was part of the original group that started the Mecklenburg Guardian Ad Litem Advocacy Foundation in 2004. She was born in South Bend, IN and attended Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN.

Susan is retired from the legal field after working with an Indiana law firm (often from afar) for 27years. She is still affiliated with the GAL Program and is currently the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer of the Foundation.

Susan is a member of both the Mecklenburg Child Abuse Prevention team and the Safe House Project team, a national non-profit that combats human trafficking. She has participated on many other boards, councils and committees in Mecklenburg County. She is also a long time member of the Junior League of Charlotte and is a recipient of the James Gray Cannon award, established by the Healthy Charlotte Alliance.

Kristen Little


Kristen Little is the President and Co-Founder of Performance Staffing Solutions which was established in 2007. She has been instrumental in the creation and implementation of the company’s organizational structure as well as the service delivery for clients of all sizes. Under her leadership, operating models have continuously transformed to align with market demands while ensuring increased efficiency in delivering excellent service. With 30 years of staffing industry experience, Kristen has held a variety of management positions. Prior to joining PSS, she worked at two national staffing agencies where she gained experience in the North Carolina, South Carolina, and California markets. Under her leadership, her offices received many recognition awards to include "Branch of the Year" and "Presidents Performance Club". She holds a bachelor’s degree in business management with a concentration in Human Resource Management from UNC Charlotte. She has a passion for serving the community and is currently a member of the Board of Directors for The HeartBright Foundation, a local 501-C3 nonprofit local wellness clinic located in the Charlotte area.

Gretchen Easton


Gretchen Easton is originally from Connecticut and moved to Charlotte with her husband, Ed. They have 3 children, all native born Charlotteans, and 5 grandchildren. Gretchen knew that she was destined to be a Republican from an early age as she was born on President Eisenhower’s birthday and received a yearly birthday card from him throughout her childhood.

Gretchen is a longtime member of CMRW, and has served on the board in several roles, including President. She is excited to be a part of the 2022 board, and to work towards making a difference in our city.

Katie Shue-McGuffin


Dr. Katie Shue-McGuffin is a native Charlottean and an active member of the GOP since 2006. During 2008, Dr. Shue-McGuffin worked alongside Senator Elizabeth Dole in Washington, D.C. Since her return to Charlotte, she has served as a volunteer for local campaigns and as a policy advocate for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP).

Katie has a BA in Political Science and a BA in English with a Minor in Children’s Literature and Childhood Studies. After finishing these dual degrees, she returned to school for nursing – obtaining her BSN, MSN as a Family Nurse Practitioner, and then her Doctor of Nursing Practice.

As a Family Nurse Practitioner, Dr. Shue-McGuffin cares for patients and families across the lifespan. She is proud to serve on the board for the Charlotte Mecklenburg Republican Women and to propel our GOP forward in 2022.

The Republican Philosophy

  • The right of the individual to achieve the best that is within him, as long as he respects the rights of others, is the source of our nation’s strength.


  • Government exists to protect the freedom of opportunity in which each individual’s creative ability can flourish.


  • Government activities should be limited to those things which people cannot do at all, or cannot do so well for themselves.


  • The most effective government is government closest to the people.


  • Those who cannot provide for themselves should be assisted by both government and society, but that every effort should be made to help them become self-supporting, productive citizens with pride in their independence.


  • Equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity belong to all, regardless of race, creed, age, sex, or national origin.

  • The preservation of our Nation and the security of our citizens depend upon the Constitution, the laws and the courts, and that respect for them is the responsibility of every Individual.


  • Government is accountable for maintaining sound money and a responsible economy. Individual rights, liberties and properties are continually eroded when citizens are oppressed by excessive taxation, inflation, government waste and over-regulation.


  • Government is responsible for national defense and that only a strong America can remain a free America.


  • It is absolutely essential to maintain a strong national defense posture in order that we may at all times negotiate from a position of strength, not weakness, in our continuing efforts toward world peace and friendship.


  • These concepts are the foundation of our national strength and that the Republican Party, which is committed to their preservation, is the Party of today and the Party for the Future.