Established in 1953, we proudly continue the legacy of 71 years of tradition and unwavering service to Republicans across the nation.

CMRW works to elect Republican leaders in our community, state and nation. The members of CMRW are passionate about improving the quality of life through active participation in electing leaders who share our Republican values.We invite Republicans as well as unaffiliated voters from both North & South Carolina to our meetings. 

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CMRW Christmas Luncheon & Live Auction


New Jersey lawyer Alina Habba became a national name when she was hired by former President Donald Trump in 2021.
She is the managing partner of Habba, Madaio & Associates LLP, a law firm based in Bedminster, New Jersey, with an office in New York City. Since 2021, Habba has been a legal spokesperson for former U.S. president Donald Trump, and a senior advisor for MAGA, Inc., Trump's Super PAC.

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